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Budgets And Financial Reports Workshop

16 hours
What you'll learn
Identify financial terminology
Understand financial statements
Identify how to analyze financial statements
Understand budgets
How to make budgeting easy
Understand advanced forecasting techniques
Understand how to manage the budget
Identify How to make smart purchasing decisions
Identify the legal aspects of finances

Top 10 Sales Secrets

16 hours
What you'll learn
Learn how to develop effective traits
Learn how to “know” your clients better.
Better represent the product/service
Cultivate effective leads
Sell with authority
Learn how to build trusting, long term relationships with customers

Telephone Etiquette Workshop

16 hours
What you'll learn
Recognize the different aspects of telephone language
Properly handle inbound/outbound calls
Know how to handle angry or rude callers
Learn to receive and send phone messages
Know different methods of employee training

Social Media Marketing Workshop

16 hours
What you'll learn
Understand different social media platforms
Identify audience
Monitor and measure performance
Consider pros and cons before making decisions

Servant Leadership Workshop

16 hours
What you'll learn
Define servant leadership
Know the characteristics of servant leadership
Recognize the barriers of servant leadership
Learn to be a mentor and a motivator
Practice self-reflection

Sales Fundamentals Workshop

16 hours
What you'll learn
Understand the language of sales
Prepare for a sales opportunity
Begin the discussion on the right foot
Make an effective pitch
Handle objections
Seal the deal
Follow up on sales
Set sales goals
Manage sales data
Use a prospect board

Recognizing Employee Excellence Course

16 hours
What you'll learn
Define recognition, appreciation, and rewards
Explore the types of recognition and rewards
Determine ways to create a recognition culture
Identify the important steps in designing a recognition program
Determine effective recognition strategies and best practices
Explore the connection between recognition and well-being
Recognize constructive feedback techniques to drive continuous learning
Determine common challenges with employee recognition,
as well as strategies to overcome these obstacles

Prospecting and Lead Generation Workshop

16 hours
What you'll learn
Identify prospects
Implement both traditional and new marketing methods
Use the pipeline effectively
Educate customers
Track activity and make adjustments as needed

Proposal Writing Workshop

16 hours
What you'll learn
Identify the purpose of a proposal
Identify different types of proposals
Identify and perform the steps in the proposal writing process
Perform a needs analysis and write a goal statement
Prepare a proposal outline
Improve writing skills with a variety of techniques
Use appropriate resources and ghosting to build a strong case
Add illustrations to the proposal
Proofread and edit the proposal
Add the finishing touches to create a professional-looking final product

Presentation Skills Workshop

16 hours
What you'll learn
Perform a needs analysis and prepare an outline
Select presentation delivery methods
Practice verbal and non-verbal communication skills
Overcome nervousness
Develop and use flip charts with color
Create targeted PowerPoint presentations
Utilize white boarding for reinforcement
Describe how video and audio enhance a presentation and list criteria for determining what types to use
Enrich the learning experience with humor, questions, and discussion

Overcoming Sales Objections Workshop

16 hours
What you'll learn
Understand the factors that contribute to customer objections.
Define different objections.
Recognize different strategies to overcome objections.
Identify the real objections.
Find points of interest.
Learn how to deflate objections and close the sale.

Multi-Level Marketing Workshop

16 hours
What you'll learn
Know how multi-level marketing works
Build contacts
Recruit new agents
Be familiar with social media and marketing
Provide training for recruits

Motivating Your Sales Team Workshop

16 hours
What you'll learn
Discuss how to create a motivational environment
Understand the importance of communication and training in motivating sales teams
Determine steps your organization can take to motivate sales team members
Understand the benefits of tailoring motivation to individual employees
Apply the principles of fostering a motivational environment to your own organization

Media And Public Relations Workshop

16 hours
What you'll learn
Network for success
Manage “Meet and Great” opportunities
Dress for success
Write effectively
Set goals
Manage media relations
Plan issue and crisis communication
Use social media
Deliver effective employee communication

Marketing Basics Workshop

16 hours
What you'll learn
Define your market.
Know the different types of marketing and ways to use them.
Learn effective ways of communicating with the customer.
Know how to set marketing goals and strategies.
Recognize common marketing mistakes and know how to avoid them.
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