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Work-Life Balance Workshop

16 hours
All Levels
What you'll learn
Explain the benefits of work life balance.
Recognize the signs of an unbalanced life.
Identify employer resources for a balanced lifestyle.
Improve time management and goal setting.
Use the most effective work methods for you.
Create balance at work and at home.
Manage stress.

Seeing and Taking Initiative Workshop

16 hours
What you'll learn
Identify what initiative looks like
Recognize when you can take steps outside the normal
Build confidence for themselves
Learn to find opportunities
Learn good and bad aspects of initiative
Balance initiative and restraint

Stress Management Workshop

16 hours
What you'll learn
Identify the best approach to a stressful situation (Alter, Avoid, or Accept)
Understand what lifestyle elements you can change to reduce stress
Use routines to reduce stress
Use environmental and physical relaxation techniques
Better cope with major events
Use a stress log to identify stressors and create a plan to reduce or eliminate them

Social Learning Workshop

16 hours
What you'll learn
Define and use social learning
Identify social learning tools
Manipulate group dynamics and culture
Craft and lead role play scenarios
Practice being a role model
Understand modeling and observation

Social Intelligence Workshop

16 hours
What you'll learn
Be aware of our own behaviors
Learn to be empathetic with others
Learn tools for active listening
Effectively communicate interpersonally
Recognize various social cues
Determine appropriate conversation topics
Learn various forms of body language

Public Speaking Workshop

16 hours
What you'll learn
Identify their audience
Create a basic outline
Organize their ideas
Flesh out their presentation
Find the right words
Prepare all the details
Overcome nervousness
Deliver a polished, professional speech
Handle questions and comments effectively

Personal Productivity Workshop

16 hours
What you'll learn
Set and evaluate SMART goals
Use routines to maximize their productivity
Use scheduling tools to make the most of their time
Stay on top of their to-do list
Start new tasks and projects on the right foot
Use basic project management techniques
Organize their physical and virtual workspaces for maximum efficiency
Take back time from e-mail and handheld devices
Beat procrastination

Managing Workplace Anxiety Workshop

16 hours
What you'll learn
Explore types of workplace anxieties
Learn to recognize symptoms and warning signs
Determine ways of coping and managing
Recognize common triggers and accelerants
Learn the difference between anxiety and common nervousness

Managing Personal Finances Workshop

16 hours
What you'll learn
Discover how to establish financial goals
Evaluate where financial cuts can be made
Learn the basics about expenses
Determine what tools you need to stick with your budget.

Life Coaching Essentials Workshop

16 hours
What you'll learn
Determine the purpose of life coaching
Define benefits of life coaching
Know the tools and techniques for life coaching
Outline a life coaching session
Know the different areas of life coaching

Job Search Skills Workshop

16 hours
What you'll learn
Define your objectives and purpose in your search for employment.
Help you establish SMART goals in the job-hunting process.
Assist you in developing a first month plan of action for your job search.
Craft an effective resume.
Form an attractive cover letter.
Develop and present a portfolio of your prior work.
Learn networking skills in finding leads for jobs.
Efficiently get interviews and thrive in the interview process.

Increasing Your Happiness Workshop

16 hours
What you'll learn
Discuss how planning ahead cultivates workplace happiness
Create a nightly routine and daily plan
Relate more effectively to others in the workplace
Understand how the workspace environment impacts happiness
Think more positively
Take actions that will create greater workplace happiness

Improving Self Awareness

16 hours
What you'll learn
Define the self and different aspects of the self
Learn from introspection
Understand the nature and value of emotions
Appreciate themselves
Appreciate others
Improve effectiveness

Improving Mindfulness Workshop

16 hours
What you'll learn
Define mindfulness
Develop techniques to make oneself more attuned to the present moment
Understand the value and utility of one’s emotions
Learn how to identify and counter distorted thinking
Learn how to cultivate genuine positive emotions
Become more fully present in social interactions

Goal Setting and Getting Things Done

16 hours
What you'll learn
Overcome procrastination
Manage time effectively
Accomplish important tasks
Create SMART goals
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